About PAS
The birth of the Placitas Artist Series
came about as a result of the happy
confluence of a couple of timely
events as well as the vision and
eager participation of several
Placitas folks.
In 1984 the Las Placitas Presbyterian
Church completed its new sanctuary
and the pastor and congregation
were eager to promote and share it with the larger Placitas community. One
concert had been held there and the acoustics proved to be very fine indeed.
Around the same time a group of string musicians recently arrived in
Albuquerque from Mexico formed what became the Helios String Quartet and
began looking for performance opportunities. The wife of the organizing
cellist was a reporter with The Albuquerque Journal with friends in Placitas,
who suggested she interview the pastor of the church for a story idea. The
resulting article was “Placitas Church Serves as Hub: Varied Activities Foster
Spirit of Community.” The other result of that interview was an idea: a Helios
String Quartet concert in the new sanctuary!
The success of that concert seemed to beg for more of the same and a
committee was formed to set in motion a whole series for the following
season. The pastor, the church treasurer, the church music director, the
cellist, the friend, and a local artist organized themselves into the first board
of directors, chose a name, wrote by-laws and planned the concerts. The
pre-existing local art shows in the church’s fellowship hall would be promoted
alongside the concerts and would later be incorporated into PAS itself.
After its first season PAS incorporated as a not-for-profit 501(c)3, wholly
independent of the church. PAS is ready to celebrate its thirty-eigth season!
* * *
Article author Sally Curro is a founding member of the Placitas Artists Series
and continues to serve the organization as a board member Emerita.
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